
I can officially say that I can run 4 miles without stopping. 🙂 However, I have only done that once so far. I’m going to try running 4 miles about once or twice each week for awhile and run 3 miles the other times-then I’ll see if I can increase my mileage.

I now have other women that want to start running so I am training with them on the Couch25k AGAIN-it looks like this:

Run my 3 miles after school.

Run with the ladies for the training program.

Prop up on the couch when I get home.


This past Friday night I went with 3 of the girls to a 1 1/2 hour zumba fundraiser in Pelham, AL. We rocked the house!

I started the 6packMarch challenge on March 1st and have now kept with it for 12 days! Woohoo! Except today I was supposed to hold a plank for 60 seconds and COULDN’T! I’m going to try it again in a little bit!

I ran 3 miles today, walked a mile, did my ab workout, and started strength training for my arms and legs. Whew! I REALLY want to do strength training 2-3 times each week.

I ate too much this weekend so only lost 2 tenths of a pound since last Monday. Got to get better about the weekends! What hurt me was going out to eat on Friday night after Zumba and Saturday night for my best friend’s birthday. Plus this red velvet cake at my house (for my stepson’s birthday) is not helping matters any. GO AWAY BIG RED VELVET CAKE!!! 🙂

I love to run. I love to eat. I love to smile. Not necessarily in that order. 🙂 Running makes me smile. Eating makes me smile. Smiling makes me happy. Loving life right now!

I REALLY am doing this challenge! I never could get off the ground with Jillian Michael’s 30 day shred video-I did it 2 different days and loved how I felt, but each day I kept dreading doing it and kept putting it off. Don’t know why-maybe it just wasn’t meant to be for me right now????

The only thing that I have been consistent with is my running, but I KNOW I need to do SOME kind of strength training. So, I thought I would do this March challenge over at Shrinking Jeans for my abs-it’s quick so I’m gonna try to do it once in the mornings and once in the evenings.

Let me alert you to the fact that I am doing GIRL PUSH-UPS! I cannot do regular pushups-maybe one day. 🙂

So take the challenge yourself-hop over to Shrinking Jeans to read all about it and tweet about it using this hashtag- #6packMarch.

Don’t you want these kind of abs??????



Plank a day

Yep. You read it right. I’m joining the #plankaday challenge on twitter. I can do this. Did one today and held it for-don’t faint-15 WHOLE seconds!!!! 🙂

And my body was shaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

This challenge is just a fun one to hold myself accountable for “planking”. I’ll do 1 plank a day (or more if I feel like it), and then tweet about it under the hashtag #plankaday.

You can join up, too. We’ll see how long it takes me to work up to 30 seconds and then 1 minute (I must be feeling pretty ambitious). 🙂

Correct planking.

Day 4 Couch25k

Today was the beginning of week 2 training using the couch25k program and day 4 of the overall program. This week the jogging intervals have increased from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. Taylor (my daughter) and I did the training at Horseshoe Bend National Park which is BEAUTIFUL!!! I felt pretty good (after the 1st jogging interval-this one is always hard). But the hills KILLED me!! Well, maybe not killed because I’m able to write this post. 🙂

We ended up completing (walking) 2.5 miles total. This training is really giving me something to look forward to each day!!

This morning I tried to do this 14 day Abs Challenge that I found on pinterest. Uh-it is hard!

It definitely got me moving this morning! Sure would be nice if I really did see some kind of results after 1 week. 🙂

Do you do any type of quick fitness each day?