Total miles in 2012

I keep up with my mileage/workouts on this fantastic website called Daily Mile. You need to check it out. It’s like a social media fitness site.

Since I started walking/running on January 1st my total mileage for this year is………………………………….


Woohoo!! That’s 139 more miles than I have done in the last 15 years! I can’t wait to see my statistics at the end of this year. You better believe I’ll be posting them!

Do planks ever get easy?????


shaking, trembling, shaking

all over

never stopping





from the

weight of it all


LOL! Just a little poetry for you on this Wednesday night. 🙂

I beat my personal record and am so proud of it!



What’s your best time?


10 pounds down and 25 to go

Woohoo!!!! I have lost 10 pounds in 25 days! Just over 3 weeks! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m super excited and feel lots better than I have in a long time. I did eat more this weekend than I planned because I was at a conference, and well, you know how food tastes SO GOOD away from home. 🙂

But, I did 2 miles on the treadmill in the hotel fitness center Friday night after our dinner. And when I got home this evening I did 2 miles on the stationary bicycle. Tomorrow is going to be a super busy day (car/deer accident stuff after school, legislative contact meeting, and BUNCO!), so tomorrow will probably be my day off for this upcoming week.

So my official weight now is…..drumroll please…… 153 pounds!

But, that means I still have about 25 or more to go. O.M.G. Can I do it? You bet I can! 🙂

Too much to do Tuesday

Today was one of those days where the stars did not align correctly for getting in my exercise!!! I’m NOT a morning person so exercising in the morning before work is NOT an option! My planning period was consumed by me having to call the body shop about getting an estimate on my car that a deer tried to take out, a student taking a makeup test, finishing the study guides for this week, and no I didn’t have time to go to the bathroom. 🙂

Faculty meeting after school for 35 minutes (I actually don’t mind these-in fact, I’m weird I guess since I like them). Took car to the body shop to actually get the estimate-50 minutes!!!

Weekly dinner date with my best friend and our daughters. I mean come on-I do have my priorities. 🙂 Took my daughter to visit her boyfriend that broke up with her last week and they are still talking-don’t ask. 🙂

FINALLY got home at 9pm. 2 miles on the stationary bike. B.o.r.i.n.g. BUT-I did read a book while I rode. LOVE TO READ! I also did some “little” strength training things like-10 pushups, leg lift thingies, worked out arms a little with VERY light weights.

Now it’s 10:49 pm, and I’m blogging, tweeting, and reading blogs. Be back tomorrow-hopefully with a couch25k update. 🙂

Exercise increments

When you don’t have a long stretch of time to exercise ya just gotta do it when you can! This morning I rode 1 mile on my stationary bicycle for 5 minutes (why can’t I run a mile in 5 minutes??). Went to work which was a site-based in-service at our school. I love these because we get to work in our rooms and actually get stuff done! One of my co-workers walked 1/2 mile with me around the track before we left school.

So this was a cross-training day. Tomorrow I officially start my Couch25k running program. Up until now I have been “practicing” for it. 🙂

I’m getting really good at drinking water everyday. I was already good at drinking diet drinks! 🙂 I don’t want you to misunderstand-I’m STILL going to drink my diet sodas BUT I am going to supplement them with 30-60 oz water each day.


1.5 miles

100+ calories