Easy Day

Thank goodness for those easy days. 🙂 I ran 2 miles today-was short on time because we were making posters after school for our dance party that we are having for K-6 tomorrow (the ones who make a 75 or higher average in all subjects for this 6 weeks).

Then had my traditional date with my best friend, her daughter, and my daughter at the MEXICAN restaurant. We look forward to this from Wednesday to Wednesday. 🙂

I told myself that I was just going to run my 2 miles on the school track since I might have to cut it short to be at the rest. on time. BUT-after one lap I just HAD TO GET OFF THAT TRACK AND SEE SOMETHING DIFFERENT! 🙂 Anybody else know what I am talking about???

I was actually glad today was only a 2 mile run since my hip flexie thingies are S.O.R.E. from that long run on Monday and that booty kicking interval workout yesterday!!!

So out of this 10k(I’m getting closer to admitting it, Michael) training for this week I have done both of the 2 mile runs and 1 4.5 mile run. I have left-a 3.75 run and another 4.5 run. I’m thinking tomorrow will be my 3.75 run and Friday or Saturday will be my 4.5 run.

I’m excited to do the Jelly Bean Virtual Race sometime this week, too. You can read about it and sign up for it over here at Run With Jess. I ordered a shirt for this -can’t wait until it comes in. I’ve never run a virtual race and think it’s the neatest thing ever!!! 🙂