14 pounds down!!!

I have lost a total of 14 pounds since December 27th when I started exercising! Woohoo! 🙂

3 pounds in the last week!

I’m on week 5 of the couch25k program. Today was Day1 with jogging intervals of 5 minutes each. The 2nd day will be intervals of 8 minutes. Then the 3rd day will be 20 minutes. WHAT THE?????? From 5 to 8 to 20? Did someone  with a math disability figure this one??? You’re telling me I have to go from 5 to 8 to 20? All I can say is-I’ll try! 🙂

Tonight I was going to start my little strength training exercises at home, but I’m thinking I’ll start tomorrow. When I feel better. 🙂

Plankie, plankie, plankie

I did another one today and held it for 25 seconds. Sh, sh, sh, shaking!!!! 🙂

Today was also my Day 2 of Week 4 of C25K. It went well!!! Yes, I can jog for 5 minutes now without stopping!! YEA!!!! 🙂

Now I’m resting on the couch for the rest of the night. 🙂

Plank a day

Yep. You read it right. I’m joining the #plankaday challenge on twitter. I can do this. Did one today and held it for-don’t faint-15 WHOLE seconds!!!! 🙂

And my body was shaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

This challenge is just a fun one to hold myself accountable for “planking”. I’ll do 1 plank a day (or more if I feel like it), and then tweet about it under the hashtag #plankaday.

You can join up, too. We’ll see how long it takes me to work up to 30 seconds and then 1 minute (I must be feeling pretty ambitious). 🙂

Correct planking.

Do planks ever get easy?????


shaking, trembling, shaking

all over

never stopping





from the

weight of it all


LOL! Just a little poetry for you on this Wednesday night. 🙂

I beat my personal record and am so proud of it!



What’s your best time?


Week 4-Day 1 C25K

Today was the 1st day of week 4 for Couch25k, and it was great!!!! The jogging intervals consisted of 3 minutes, 90 seconds, and 2 5 minute ones.


Of course, I trained at my school track instead of where I live, so it was a flat surface and no inclines/hills! Much easier!! I am REALLY looking forward to day 2. I mean, I am pumped!!!! 🙂 So here’s some more inspiration. And forgive me if I ever post an image that I have already posted. I am 41. And a teacher. Which means double forgetting! 🙂

 This will be my motto!!!! Nothing will stop me! 🙂

And you shouldn’t let anything stop you either.

10 pounds down and 25 to go

Woohoo!!!! I have lost 10 pounds in 25 days! Just over 3 weeks! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m super excited and feel lots better than I have in a long time. I did eat more this weekend than I planned because I was at a conference, and well, you know how food tastes SO GOOD away from home. 🙂

But, I did 2 miles on the treadmill in the hotel fitness center Friday night after our dinner. And when I got home this evening I did 2 miles on the stationary bicycle. Tomorrow is going to be a super busy day (car/deer accident stuff after school, legislative contact meeting, and BUNCO!), so tomorrow will probably be my day off for this upcoming week.

So my official weight now is…..drumroll please…… 153 pounds!

But, that means I still have about 25 or more to go. O.M.G. Can I do it? You bet I can! 🙂

I so love being warm

After school today I just couldn’t bring myself to train outside. It was in the 40s, but felt sooooo much colder. So I did my training inside the junior college on the inside track around the basketball court. It was so toasty and warm!!!

So instead of feeling like this:

I felt like this:

It was oh so glorious! 🙂 I did my day 2-week3 of the c25k program. I kept walking after I finished so it would be a total of 2 miles for the day. Now let’s see if I can do my itty bitty strength training exercises!

Too much to do Tuesday

Today was one of those days where the stars did not align correctly for getting in my exercise!!! I’m NOT a morning person so exercising in the morning before work is NOT an option! My planning period was consumed by me having to call the body shop about getting an estimate on my car that a deer tried to take out, a student taking a makeup test, finishing the study guides for this week, and no I didn’t have time to go to the bathroom. 🙂

Faculty meeting after school for 35 minutes (I actually don’t mind these-in fact, I’m weird I guess since I like them). Took car to the body shop to actually get the estimate-50 minutes!!!

Weekly dinner date with my best friend and our daughters. I mean come on-I do have my priorities. 🙂 Took my daughter to visit her boyfriend that broke up with her last week and they are still talking-don’t ask. 🙂

FINALLY got home at 9pm. 2 miles on the stationary bike. B.o.r.i.n.g. BUT-I did read a book while I rode. LOVE TO READ! I also did some “little” strength training things like-10 pushups, leg lift thingies, worked out arms a little with VERY light weights.

Now it’s 10:49 pm, and I’m blogging, tweeting, and reading blogs. Be back tomorrow-hopefully with a couch25k update. 🙂

Zumba Rocks!!

Who rocks the house? I say zumba rocks the house. And when zumba rocks the house-I fall all the way down. and can’t get back up. 🙂

There is FINALLY a class that is ONLY 8or 9 miles from where I live!! Hooray!!! Instead of over 20!! God has answered my prayers!

Zumba was the finale after my WEEK 3-DAY 1 training that I will have to REPEAT because I couldn’t run one of the intervals for all of 3 minutes. Ugghh! 🙂

Let me give you the scenario. I turned right out of my driveway (we live on 23 acres) to train down the paved road instead of the dirt road since my husband told me I might get shot if I go down the dirt road because of deer season. ? If someone mistakes me for a deer, then they shouldn’t have a gun in their hands to begin with. Right? 🙂 So I did the EASY 5 minute warmup walk. So easy. Insert “patting myself on the back” here. Then jog 90 seconds. Then walk 90 seconds. Then jog 3 minutes. WAIT A MINUTE. You want me to go from 90 seconds to 3 minutes? HA. And on a slight incline? HA. So after jogging for less than 3 minutes (I still had 1 minute and 25 seconds left) I had to start walking again. Bummer. But then I pictured my husband’s smiling (laughing) face when I told him I was going to run a 5k this year and you know what? That 2nd time that called for 3 minutes? I JOGGED IT THE ENTIRE TIME. Take that DH(and that still means “darling” husband at this point). :)Nothing like a “I’m gonna so prove you wrong” kind of motivation!

So I think I’ll repeat this day this week. And I’m really trying to figure out what to do about this Friday. I’m going to a conference in B’ham Friday through Sunday. I’m trying to exercise 6 days each week with 1 day of rest. That means 3 days of training, 3 days of some kind of crosstraining (for me it’s walking or zumba), and 1 day of rest. Saturday can be my day of rest since I will be in the conference all day. Which leaves me with Friday. I have to leave right after school to head to B’ham, and I am NOT a morning person. I really don’t think I can get up at 5:30 to exercise. Maybe the hotel has a swimming pool. Hmmmm…

I know this is a super looooong post, but I just feel so talkative and everyone at my house is already in the bed. 🙂

I’m feeling good so far about my calorie reduction. You just don’t know how much I LOVE TO EAT. But, I’m doing good with watching how much I eat. I’m using My Fitness Pal on my phone to track my calories, and then I put in my exercise too. It’s so neat because I can tell how many calories I’ve already had and how many I have left each day. I would link it here, but it’s down for maintenance right now, and I ‘m now getting very sleepy. 🙂

Check back with me tomorrow to see if I can hold out for both intervals of 3 minute jogging!

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Monday, January 16, 2012

I really don’t know why I’m naming this post-The good, the bad, and the ugly. But it is sort of catchy isn’t it? 🙂

Every Monday I’m going to “try” and post my stats. Key word being “try”.

I have been weighing myself for 2 weeks now, but had not measured anything since this past summer. So here’s the good, bad, and ugly!

Before starting training-163 lbs

After week 1-160 lbs

After week 2-157 lbs

Woohoo!! 🙂

  Summer                                   End of week 2 

Neck                               14                                                 13 1/2

Chest                              38                                                 37

Waist                              36 3/4                                        34

Hips                                42 1/2                                        42

Thighs                         R-21 1/2 L-20 3/4                   R-21 1/4 L-21 (WTH?)

Top of thigh              R-24 1/2                                      L-24 1/2

Calves                         R-16 3/4 L-16 1/2                    R-15 1/2 L-15 1/4

Hopefully, these are accurate numbers. The summer numbers were measured by one of my friends, and I tried to measure the same way this time. Now let’s categorize.

The good-Check out the waist measurement!!!! Over 2 inches! Really? 🙂

The bad-Why would my hips have only lost 1/2 an inch when they are SO INVOLVED when I jog/walk??

The ugly-WTH is going on with my right thigh??? Is the food that I am eating landing there? 🙂 Seriously, my right thigh is BIGGER than it was before I started training. OK-I’m just going to say that the measurement was messed up from this summer. 🙂

I might make a spreadsheet to keep up with my measurements. I think that would be easy to add to and to see changes.

I’ve been keeping up with my exercise on Daily Mile.I love this site. It keeps up with your stats for the week and everything in the past, too. You can also add friends and chat with them. Great motivator! You can join challenges, too. Super site and very user friendly!!

My total miles for last week-16 This does not include the hour of zumba!

My total miles this year-29.5

So what are your stats for last week? This year?

I’m feeling pretty good about everything so far. Just wondering when the soreness goes away. 🙂