Ready for summer challenge-Week 4 review

Are you ready? After all the heartache with my 18 year old daughter guess what? My brother-in-law passed away this past Wednesday. He was my husband’s oldest brother (61), and he had pancreatic cancer. He had fought this battle long and hard since last February-over a year. He was a strong man. A good man. I am thankful that I got to hold his hand the day before he passed away. David will always be in my heart.

Β So I come to you, not with a heavy heart, but with peace that I have found through the Almighty. Yes, God. He really knows me now. We have had a personal relationship these past 2 weeks. One that I hope to continue.

I am moving forward. πŸ™‚

I lost 6 pounds week before last only to gain about 4 of those back with all the good food that I have been eating this week. Our communities really came together to help our family during this time. I’m talking some GOOD FOOD!!! AND-the doughnuts came in. A Krispy Kreme Fundraiser for softball. I only ate 3 of them. At one time. πŸ™‚ I now weigh in at 129. I think. πŸ™‚

So my calculations are-past 2 weeks I lost 2 pounds. πŸ™‚ I only ran 4 times in 14 days. OMG! Yesterday I ran a 5k race with my PR of 33 minutes. Yes, that is probably S. Β  L. Β  O. Β  W. Β  to all of ya’ll, but I am getting faster. πŸ™‚Here I am after the race with my nice “hairdo”!! About to eat at Panera Bread in Auburn. I came in 25th out of 56 in my age group(40-49)-I’m 41. I normally have a pretty smile (I think), but not when I’m squinting at the sun and after running 3 miles! πŸ™‚

My review for this past week is YUCK! Didn’t stick to anything really because of life.

But I am gearing up for this next week and hope to ONLY have a positive post for you next weekend!!

Here are my goals for week 5:

1. Eat 2 fruits/veggies each day. This might be a little hard for me since I will be on vacation. Not the fruit part-the veggie part. But I will try!

2. I am going to try and run 6 or more mile 3 times this week. I have only done that once so far and since that is my overall goal for this challenge, I know I need to step it up and make up for these last 2 weeks.

3. On my short runs this week-3 miles or less-I will try to run some little speed intervals. I never did follow through with the HIIT training and REALLY want to, so I am planning on incorporating it into my regular runs instead of thinking I can do it after I kill myself put forth my best effort with my regular running. πŸ™‚

4. I am going to try and log over 20 miles of running this week.

I am READY! I am on spring break this week and heading to the beach tomorrow with my mom and my daughter. I can’t wait!!! 3 days of relaxing, reading, running, eating, and GOOD COMPANY!!! πŸ™‚




Ready for summer challenge-week 2 update

I feel like I did great on week 2 of the Ready for Summer Challenge. Especially Mon-Wed. πŸ™‚

1. My longest run this week was 6.5 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo! And I hadn’t even planned to run that far, but just felt like I could keep running. πŸ™‚ My time was 1:21:43.

2. I did GREAT with 2 fruits each day. *patting myself on the back* I still need to plan better for the veggies, but I did ok with them throughout the week. I didn’t reach my goal of 2 per day but I did eat: broccoli, green beans, carrots, spinach leaves, cucumbers, squash, grilled eggplant at a Mediterranean rest.

3. I am slowly getting to my goal of 125. The last time I weighed (Saturday) I was at 132 which is down from 133.4 last week. If that is different tomorrow morning I will update this post. πŸ™‚

4. GET READY for this one. You know how I said I eventually want to get into a size 6? I know that not ALL pants/jeans/capris are sized the same so I am sure that I can still wear some size 10, BUT…..the size 8 jeans of my daughters are a little too loose. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ AND-I went to Cato’s to try on a size 6. They fit, but I thought ummm..why not just try on a size 4 while I’m here? I FIT INTO THE 4!!!!! Now remember-I do know that I won’t be able to fit into all size 4 pants!!! But I fit into these!! So yes, I bought them!!!

New exercise-Interval training. HIIT to be exact which stands for High Intensity Interval Training. And because it was soooooooo high intensity-I only did it 1 time! πŸ™‚ But I do want to continue to do this 2-3 times a week because I felt the burn!!!! It was supposed to be a 15 minute workout where I would sprint for 8 seconds then jog for 12 seconds-repeating for 15 minutes. 8 seconds is a loooong time! Just ask me or any bullrider! πŸ™‚ I can definitely see where this type of workout will burn fat!!

Here are my goals for this week:

Stay sane. πŸ™‚ My daughter’s senior prom is Friday!!!! Our state testing is this week at school! I have a conference that I have to go to Friday night (probably around 2 am AFTER the prom) and Saturday. I have a “Save Our Schools” Rally at 2pm on Saturday. My daughter’s 18th b’day is this weekend. So I might make a mini-goal of getting through the week WITHOUT taking some anxiety medicine. πŸ™‚ Oh, and I forgot-I haven’t done our taxes yet!!! AND my part-time job stuff is due by Friday and I am NOT finished! πŸ™‚

OK-where was I? My goals for this week:

1. Run 5 times this week with 1 run being 6 miles

2. Get some protein and healthy eating into my days-I want to start eating some oatmeal and fish. Not together. πŸ™‚ Try the 2 veggies per day.

3. Do at least 2 HIIT workouts

4. 50 crunches per day with some jumping jacks and squats-I want to tone up

Good luck to everyone else on the challenge!!! What’s a new goal that you have set for yourself?

Ready for summer challenge Week 1

This is the first week of the Ready For Summer Challenge, and I’m so excited to have goals set. You can link up over at their blog if you want to and join in the fun!

The challenge has you set 4 major goals to hopefully reach in the next 10 weeks. This week is week 1 so I am breaking my goal down into manageable chunks for this 1st week. (Should have posted this on Sunday night-please forgive the procrastinator in Β I’mme!) πŸ™‚

1. Fit into size 6 jeans: This week I will increase my running mileage AND do strength training 2-3 times. The strength training will consist of using my body weight as resistance since I can do this at home. I WANT to do it in the morning to get it over with because I don’t look forward to this kind of exercise, BUT I’m not a morning person so we will see. πŸ™‚

2. 137 pounds to 125 pounds-I need to lose a little over a pound this week.

3. 3 to 6 miles-I am going to s.l.o.w.l.y increase my running mileage so that I can run 6 miles at the end of the 10 week challenge. So this week’s schedule looks like this: 3.75, 2, 2, 3.5, 4 (Not necessarily in that order) Got this from a 10k training program even though I’m not planning on running in a 10k-just want to be able to run it on my own.

4. Healthier eating (fruits, veggies, protein)- I’m going to try and eat 2 veggies and 2 fruits each day. Haven’t decided on the protein yet-need to get to work on that.

So there are my chunks! Happy challenging! πŸ™‚

Revisiting my summer challenge

I am modifying one of my goals for the 10 week summer challenge. This is great news!! The goal I’m changing is the one about fitting into a size 8 jeans. I am going to go for the gold and say I want to fit into a size 6 jeans!!! Why you ask? Because I was able to put a size 8 on Friday when I was getting ready to go see The Hunger Games!!!!! YEA!!! Now, does that mean I can fit into ANY size 8? I’m sure I can’t! My 17 year old daughter almost fell out when I put HER size 8 jeans on!! And she even gave them to me. How nice-conisdering I paid for them at one time. πŸ™‚

So let’s revisit my 4 goals for this 10 week challenge:

1. Fit into a size 6 jeans

2. Decrease weight from 137 to 125

3. Increase running 3 miles to running 6 miles

4. Eat healthier-veggies, fruits, protein


Last week I actually weighed 136 on Monday, but then GAINED weight toward the end of the week because of being a woman, eating out TWICE including MOVIE POPCORN!!!! But I think I have my head back together, my mind is set, and I WILL do this!!! I felt so horrible Thursday and Friday because of how much I was eating. I mean-HORRIBLE!! Stuffed. Full. Sick. You get the picture. πŸ™‚

I’ll be kicking off my 10 week challenge a day early this afternoon because I am going to run in my 2nd 5k race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m excited!! And my husband will be able to go to the race with me this time. My goals for the race this afternoon are:

1. Finish without walking (you never know how many hills there are going to be!)

2. My time in the 5k in February was 39:52. I would like to be under that time. It would be nice to be under by a minute. πŸ™‚

3. Have fun!!!

Wish me luck!!! πŸ™‚ My hands are sweaty right now just thinking about it! πŸ™‚

Ready for summer challenge

I just found a new fitness challenge to get ready for summer. You have until Monday, March 26th to join up at Ready For Summer Challenge.Β Β The challenge lasts from March 26th-June 3rd which is a 10 week challenge.

There are 4 goals for the challenge:

1. Weight loss

2. NSV-Non-scale victory

3. Exercise

4. Nutrition

Here are my personal goals that I have come up with:

1. Bring my weight down from 137 to 125

2. Fit into a size 8 jeans

3.Β Work my way up from running 3 miles without stopping to running 6 miles

4. Eat healthier-lots of fruits, vegetables, and protein

So come along for the fun-join the Ready for Summer Challenge!


Shrink Yo’Self Challenge 2012

I stumbled across this fitness challenge while looking for some fitness blogs to read. The ladies at Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans are hosting this exciting challenge. It is a 8 week challenge to get fit with weekly check-ins. Right down my alley. Something to hold me accountable. πŸ™‚

So if you want to be a better you this year then hop on over to their blog and signup! I had already decided that I want to run a 5k this year (after many, many, many-well you get the idea) years of NOT running OR exercising. My plan is to follow the Couch25k plan for 9 weeks to gradually build myself up to running 3 miles without stopping. This is week 1. You can follow me along this long and painful- I mean exciting- journey to see if I can make it. πŸ™‚