What is wrong with me?

Have I been bitten by the food bug?? 🙂 I have wanted to eat everything in sight since this past Friday. I mean EVERYTHING!!!!! AND I have not run since last Wednesday!!! What??

Today after school I had the “urge” the “desire” to eat ice cream, potato chips, and a candy bar. Did I cave and eat all of that? You betcha bottom dollar I did!!! And it was sooooooo good!


OK-tomorrow after school I am going to run INSTEAD of eat! How about that?? But I really need some support here. Please leave me a comment about why I need to run and how much better I will feel if I run and all that good stuff. Pretty please. 🙂

6 Responses

  1. Because hard work pays off. Period. (read that on your blog) Nothing bad about a binge, it happens. Brush it off and get back out there. Go to bed tomorrow night feeling proud of yourself!! Plus, I am wanting to hear about your trail run. I have one this month and would love some pointers. DON’T GIVE UP ON YOU!

    • Thanks, Libby!! I PROMISE I will write a post about my 5k trail run THIS WEEKEND!!!!! 🙂 I am going to do another one in Georgia on June 3rd. This one will be in a state park!

  2. Good luck tomorrow. You can do this!

  3. I have those times when eating everything in sight is on my mind. I tend to give in to ice cream with frozen yogurt (less calories, better for you), and a chocolate covered / flavored granola bar instead of candy. The real key though is just splurging occasionally, then putting it aside and getting back to eating clean and healthy. Now get back on the street and move those feet ! 🙂

    • Thanks, Michael!! I moved my feet today! 2 miles. I am going to start training for a 10k (gasp-did I just say that??). I will run it in August with my brother. I felt so much better today when I ran instead of this last week of NOTHING!! Yes, I.am.a.runner. 🙂

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