My Journey

My ultimate goal is to run a 5k in 2012. However, I’m hoping that some weight will come off in the process. Actually, a lot of weight. πŸ™‚

So this page will be dedicated to my before and after.

Right now I only have before pictures, but will be posting more in the future.

July 2011(This is also what I looked like when I started my training at the beginning of January 2012.) DO.NOT.LAUGH. πŸ™‚

163 pounds

Now it’s February 2012,and I’ve lost down to 147.4 and this is what I look like. STILL.DON’T. LAUGH. πŸ™‚ This is after 5 weeks of training for a 5k with the couch25k walk/jog program and 3 weeks of watching my calorie intake. I “think” I see a hint of some collarbones…. Can’t wait to take pictures again in maybe another 4 or so weeks. Stay tuned!

Here we go. It’s March 17th, 2012 (Happy St. Patrick’s Day!). I have been walking/running since January 1st. I’m also doing zumba about once a week, and have started doing a little ab workout each day since March 1st. I now weigh 137 pounds. Without my shoes. πŸ™‚ Gonna keep going. I have so much more energy now and feel so good.

4 Responses

  1. no laughing here…you’re looking great! i definitely see some collarbone… πŸ™‚

  2. You look fantastic!!

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