What is wrong with me?

Have I been bitten by the food bug?? 🙂 I have wanted to eat everything in sight since this past Friday. I mean EVERYTHING!!!!! AND I have not run since last Wednesday!!! What??

Today after school I had the “urge” the “desire” to eat ice cream, potato chips, and a candy bar. Did I cave and eat all of that? You betcha bottom dollar I did!!! And it was sooooooo good!


OK-tomorrow after school I am going to run INSTEAD of eat! How about that?? But I really need some support here. Please leave me a comment about why I need to run and how much better I will feel if I run and all that good stuff. Pretty please. 🙂

Back from the beach

We had a good trip home from the beach Friday. We had finally come into Alabama and what did we see? A brown cow? No. A black cow? No. A white cow? No. A hot pink cow? Why, yes! 🙂

Standing by the road no less. So I screamed, “Turn around and go back!!!”. We found a quaint little roadside eating establishment. We ordered ice cream, but they also had cupcakes and sweets and I think lunch items. I was in such a hurry to get back outside and make friends with the hot pink cow that I didn’t really pay attention! 🙂

Here is the facebook page for this super cool place if you want to look it up. Just in case you are traveling through God’s country one day. 🙂


We took some pictures of Sweet P! She was so sweet. 🙂

Taylor and Sweet P.

Sweet P, my daughter, and myself.

Isn’t this place beautiful? Oh, how I wish my house looked like that! 🙂

Post coming later about my 5k trail run with my brother this weekend. You will NOT want to miss this!!!