Flat is good

Flat is good. Well, maybe not in everything. 🙂

Flat tummies are good. Flat sodas are not. But today I found something flat that is VERY GOOD! Roads!

Here at Panama City Beach, FL (where we are on vacation) the roads are flat and NOT hilly!!! So good!

I ran for 60 minutes which might equal 7 or 8 or 12 miles for a lot of runners. For me-about 5! Through “flat” cute neighborhoods. Loved it!

I also started (one more time) HIIT-High Intensity Interval Training. I did this for 12 minutes. Sprint, walk, jog, walk and then repeat. It was pretty fun and went by really fast. Not sure how much REAL sprinting I was doing toward the end. 🙂 I’ve heard that this 1. Burns calories/fat more than just steady training. 2. Will maybe hopefully help to increase my speed in running?

Anyway, I’m going to give it a shot. I downloaded a HIIT app to my phone so that it counted down each interval for me. Nice.

Needless to say, I was a tad bit sweaty after all this. But felt so good!

I would show you a picture of what I looked like, but my phone is NOT cooperating with me inside this condo this week.

Then I vegged by the pool the rest of the day before we went to eat at Breakers and then walked around Pier Park.

Here are some pictures of me, my daughter, and my mom after we got back from supper. We decided to play around with the camera a little.

 I have no idea what my mom is looking at. Sorta scary isn’t it???? 🙂

Does my mom look like a grinning hyena or what? I promise we had not been drinking! 🙂

We all got the giggles-I guess from looking at the camera that we had situated inside the microwave to take our picture. Do you know how stupid you feel smiling for a camera with nobody behind it???? 🙂

We leave tomorrow to head back home. Sad face. But as much fun as we have had and as relaxing as it has been, I miss home. My house, my husband, my stepson, my dogs, my life. 🙂